Definition of Flight path

1. Noun. The path of a rocket or projectile or aircraft through the air.

Generic synonyms: Itinerary, Path, Route

2. Noun. A designated route followed by airplanes in flying from one airport to another.
Exact synonyms: Air Lane, Airway, Skyway
Specialized synonyms: Approach, Approach Path, Glide Path, Glide Slope, Holding Pattern
Generic synonyms: Itinerary, Path, Route

Definition of Flight path

1. Noun. The traveled path of a projectile, rocket or aircraft through the air. ¹

2. Noun. A predefined route of travel for an aircraft or spacecraft. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Flight Path

flight indicator
flight into disease
flight into health
flight level
flight lieutenant
flight line
flight lines
flight maneuver
flight mode
flight nurse
flight of fancy
flight of ideas
flight of stairs
flight of steps
flight or fight response
flight path
flight paths
flight plan
flight recorder
flight recorders
flight risk
flight simulator
flight strip
flight surgeon

Literary usage of Flight path

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Aerodonetics: Constituting the Second Volume of a Complete Work on Aerial Flight by Frederick William Lanchester (1909)
"THE EQUATIONS OF THE flight path § 18. Introductory. ... and the direction of flight path in the vertical plane; and, further, that there is a complex ..."

2. Aerodynamics: Constituting the First Volume of a Complete Work on Aerial Flight by Frederick William Lanchester (1908)
"Unaccounted Factors in relation to the flight path.—There are certain factors excluded by the hypothesis of Chapter II. which have a very far-reaching ..."

3. The Mechanics of the Aeroplane: A Study of the Principles of Flight by Émile Auguste Duchêne, John Henry Ledeboer, Thomas O'Brien Hubbard (1916)
"Definition of oblique flight—Slope of the flight- path—Angle of incidence. When the direction of forward motion of an aeroplane is not horizontal, ..."

4. Aeroplane Structures by Alfred John Sutton Pippard, John Laurence (1919)
"Let the angle of the new flight path to the horizon be 6. ... planes normal to the inclined flight path is L. W still acts vertically, and since the forces ..."

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